Source code for moodleteacher.assignments

Functionality dealing with Moodle assignments.

import datetime

from .submissions import MoodleSubmission
from .requests import MoodleRequest
from .courses import MoodleCourse

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('moodleteacher')

[docs]class MoodleAssignment(): """ A single Moodle assignment. """ def __init__(self, course, assignment_id, course_module_id=None, duedate=None, cutoffdate=None, deadline=None, name=None, allows_feedback_comment=None): self.conn = course.conn self.course = course self.id_ = assignment_id self.cmid = course_module_id self.duedate = duedate self.cutoffdate = cutoffdate self.deadline = deadline = name self.allows_feedback_comment = allows_feedback_comment
[docs] @classmethod def from_raw_json(cls, course, raw_json): """ Create a :class:`MoodleAssignment` object from raw JSON information. """ duedate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(raw_json['duedate']) cutoffdate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(raw_json['cutoffdate']) allows_feedback_comment = False for config in raw_json['configs']: if config['plugin'] == 'comments' and \ config['subtype'] == 'assignfeedback' and \ config['name'] == 'enabled' and \ config['value'] == '1': allows_feedback_comment = True return cls(course=course, assignment_id=raw_json['id'], course_module_id=raw_json['cmid'], duedate=duedate, cutoffdate=cutoffdate, deadline=cutoffdate if duedate < cutoffdate else duedate, name=raw_json['name'], allows_feedback_comment=allows_feedback_comment)
[docs] @classmethod def from_assignment_id(cls, course, assignment_id): """ Create a :class:`MoodleAssignment` object just from an assignment ID. """ # This approach is overkill, but # there seems to be no API call to fetch single assignment # detail information. assignments = course.assignments() for assignment in assignments: if assignment.id_ == assignment_id: return assignment return None
[docs] @classmethod def from_course_module_id(cls, course, course_module_id): """ Create a :class:`MoodleAssignment` object just from a course module ID. """ params = {} params['cmid'] = course_module_id response = MoodleRequest( course.conn, 'core_course_get_course_module').get(params).json() if response['cm']['modname'] == 'assign': # Determine missing information. # This approach is overkill, but # there seems to be no API call to fetch single assignment # detail information. assignments = course.assignments() for assignment in assignments: if assignment.id_ == response['cm']['instance']: return assignment return None
def __str__(self): if return("{} (Fällig: {0.deadline})".format(self)) else: return self.id_ def deadline_over(self): return > self.deadline
[docs] def get_user_submission(self, user_id, must_have_files=False): """ Create a new :class:`MoodleSubmission` object with the submission of the given user in this assignment, or None. When must_have_files is set to True, only submissions with files are considered. """ params = {} params['assignid'] = self.id_ params['userid'] = user_id logger.debug("Fetching submission information for user {userid} in assignment {assignid}".format(**params)) try: response = MoodleRequest( self.conn, 'mod_assign_get_submission_status').get(params).json() except Exception as e: logger.error("Could not fetch submission information:") logger.exception(e) return None if 'lastattempt' in response: if 'submission' in response['lastattempt']: if must_have_files: plugin_list = response['lastattempt']['submission']['plugins'] for plugin_data in plugin_list: if plugin_data['type'] == 'file' and len(plugin_data['fileareas'][0]['files']) == 0: # Submission with no files # We had that effect of ghost submissions, were people never # even watched the assignment and still got submissions registered # This is the safeguard to protect from that logger.error('Submission with empty file list, ignoring it.') return None submission = MoodleSubmission( conn=self.conn, submission_id=response['lastattempt']['submission']['id'], assignment=self, user_id=response['lastattempt']['submission']['userid'], status=response['lastattempt']['submission']['status']) if 'teamsubmission' in response['lastattempt']: logger.debug("Identified team submission.") submission.group_id = response['lastattempt']['teamsubmission']['groupid'] submission.parse_plugin_json(response['lastattempt']['teamsubmission']['plugins']) else: logger.debug("Identified single submission.") submission.parse_plugin_json(response['lastattempt']['submission']['plugins']) return submission return None
[docs] def submissions(self, must_have_files=False): """ Get a list of :class:`MoodleSubmission` objects for this assignment. """ result = [] # First, fetch the overview list of submissions for this assignment. params = {'assignmentids[0]': self.id_} response = MoodleRequest( self.conn, 'mod_assign_get_submissions').post(params).json() if 'assignments' in response: for response_assignment in response['assignments']: assert(response_assignment['assignmentid'] == self.id_) for subm_data in response_assignment['submissions']: # On group submissions, the submission details fetch with the # first API call are incomplete. # We therefore query each identified # submission with a separate API call. sub = self.get_user_submission(subm_data['userid'], must_have_files) if sub is not None: result.append(sub) return result
[docs]class MoodleAssignments(list): """ A list of :class:`MoodleAssignment` instances. """ def __init__(self, conn, course_filter=None, assignment_filter=None): params = {} if course_filter: params['courseids'] = course_filter response = MoodleRequest( conn, 'mod_assign_get_assignments').get(params).json() if 'courses' in response: for course_data in response['courses']: course = MoodleCourse.from_raw_json(conn, course_data) if (course_filter and course.id_ in course_filter) or not course_filter: for ass_data in course_data['assignments']: assignment = MoodleAssignment.from_raw_json( course, ass_data) if (assignment_filter and assignment.cmid in assignment_filter) or not assignment_filter: self.append(assignment)