Source code for moodleteacher.runnable

import pexpect
import os
import tempfile

from .exceptions import *

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('moodleteacher')

[docs]class RunningProgram(): """A running program that you can interact with. This class is a thin wrapper around the functionality of pexpect ( Attributes: name (str): The name of the binary that is executed. working_dir (str): The working directory to be used during execution. arguments (tuple): The command-line arguments being used for execution. """ name = None arguments = None working_dir = None _logfile = None _spawn = None
[docs] def get_output(self): """Get the program output produced so far. Returns: str: Program output as text. May be incomplete. """ # Open temporary file for reading, in text mode # This makes sure that the file pointer for writing # is not touched with open( as logfile: return '<pre>' + ''.join(logfile.readlines()) + '</pre>'
[docs] def get_exitstatus(self): """Get the exit status of the program execution. Returns: int: Exit status as reported by the operating system, or None if it is not available. """ logger.debug("Exit status is {0}".format(self._spawn.exitstatus)) return self._spawn.exitstatus
[docs] def __init__(self, name, arguments=[], working_dir='.', timeout=30, encoding=None): """Initialize a running program. Args: name: The file path for the executable. arguments: The command-line arguments for the executable. working_dir: The current working directory when running the program. timeout: The timeout for program execution. encoding: The text encoding for the program output, e.g. 'utf-8'. If this parameter is not set, then the output is interpreted as bytes. """ = name self.arguments = arguments self.working_dir = working_dir self.encoding = encoding # Allow code to load its own libraries os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = working_dir logger.debug("Spawning '{0}' in {1} with the following arguments:{2}".format( name, working_dir, str(arguments))) if name.startswith('./'): name = name.replace('./', working_dir) self._logfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(encoding=encoding, mode='w+' if encoding else 'w+b') logger.debug("Keeping console I/O in " + try: self._spawn = pexpect.spawn(name, arguments, logfile=self._logfile, timeout=timeout, cwd=working_dir, echo=False, encoding=encoding) except Exception as e: logger.debug("Spawning failed: " + str(e)) raise NestedException(instance=self, real_exception=e, output=self.get_output())
def expect(self, pattern, timeout=-1, searchwindowsize=-1, async_=False, **kw): return self._spawn.expect(pattern, timeout, searchwindowsize, async_, **kw)
[docs] def expect_output(self, pattern, timeout=-1): """Wait until the running program performs some given output, or terminates. Args: pattern: The pattern the output should be checked for. timeout (int): How many seconds should be waited for the output. The pattern argument may be a string, a compiled regular expression, or a list of any of those types. Strings will be compiled into regular expressions. Returns: int: The index into the pattern list. If the pattern was not a list, it returns 0 on a successful match. Raises: TimeoutException: The output did not match within the given time frame. TerminationException: The program terminated before producing the output. NestedException: An internal problem occured while waiting for the output. """ logger.debug("Expecting output '{0}' from '{1}'".format(pattern, try: return self._spawn.expect(pattern, timeout) except pexpect.exceptions.EOF as e: logger.debug("Raising termination exception.") raise TerminationException(instance=self, real_exception=e, output=self.get_output()) except pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT as e: logger.debug("Raising timeout exception.") raise TimeoutException(instance=self, real_exception=e, output=self.get_output()) except Exception as e: logger.exception("Expecting output failed: ") raise NestedException(instance=self, real_exception=e, output=self.get_output())
[docs] def sendline(self, text): """Sends an input line to the running program, including os.linesep. Args: text (str): The input text to be send. Raises: TerminationException: The program terminated before / while / after sending the input. NestedException: An internal problem occured while waiting for the output. """ logger.debug("Sending input '{0}' to '{1}'".format(text, try: return self._spawn.sendline(text) except pexpect.exceptions.EOF as e: logger.debug("Raising termination exception.") raise TerminationException(instance=self, real_exception=e, output=self.get_output()) except pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT as e: logger.debug("Raising timeout exception.") raise TimeoutException(instance=self, real_exception=e, output=self.get_output()) except Exception as e: logger.debug("Sending input failed: " + str(e)) raise NestedException(instance=self, real_exception=e, output=self.get_output())
[docs] def expect_end(self): """Wait for the running program to finish. Returns: A tuple with the exit code, as reported by the operating system, and the output produced. """ logger.debug("Waiting for termination of '{0}'".format( try: # Make sure we fetch the last output bytes. # Recommendation from the pexpect docs. self._spawn.expect(pexpect.EOF) self._spawn.wait() dircontent = str(os.listdir(self.working_dir)) logger.debug("Working directory after execution: " + dircontent) return self.get_exitstatus(), self.get_output() except pexpect.exceptions.EOF as e: logger.debug("Raising termination exception.") raise TerminationException(instance=self, real_exception=e, output=self.get_output()) except pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT as e: logger.debug("Raising timeout exception.") raise TimeoutException(instance=self, real_exception=e, output=self.get_output()) except Exception as e: logger.debug("Waiting for expected program end failed.") raise NestedException(instance=self, real_exception=e, output=self.get_output())
[docs] def expect_exitstatus(self, exit_status): """Wait for the running program to finish and expect some exit status. Args: exit_status (int): The expected exit status. Raises: WrongExitStatusException: The produced exit status is not the expected one. """ self.expect_end() logger.debug("Checking exit status of '{0}', output so far: {1}".format(, self.get_output())) if self._spawn.exitstatus is None: raise WrongExitStatusException( instance=self, expected=exit_status, output=self.get_output()) if self._spawn.exitstatus is not exit_status: raise WrongExitStatusException( instance=self, expected=exit_status, got=self._spawn.exitstatus, output=self.get_output())