Source code for moodleteacher.submissions

from .requests import MoodleRequest
from .files import MoodleFile

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('moodleteacher')

GRADED = 'graded'
NOT_GRADED = 'notgraded'
NEW = 'new'
SUBMITTED = 'submitted'

[docs]class MoodleSubmission(): """ A single student submission in Moodle. """ def __init__(self, conn=None, submission_id=None, assignment=None, user_id=None, group_id=None, status=None, gradingstatus=None, textfield=None, files=[]): self.conn = conn self.id_ = submission_id self.assignment = assignment self.userid = user_id self.groupid = group_id self.status = status self.gradingstatus = gradingstatus self.textfield = textfield self.files = files
[docs] @classmethod def from_local_file(cls, assignment, fpath): """ Creation of a local-only fake submission object. Mainly needed for the test suite. """ return cls(conn=assignment.conn, assignment=assignment, files=[MoodleFile.from_local_file(fpath)])
def __str__(self): num_files = len(self.files) text = "Submission {0.id_} by user {0.userid}, status: {0.gradingstatus}, files: {1}, ".format( self, num_files) if self.textfield: text += "with notes" else: text += "without notes" return(text)
[docs] def parse_plugin_json(self, raw_json): """ Parses a plugin block from Moodle JSON and updates the object accordingly. """ files = [] textfield = None for plugin in raw_json: if plugin['type'] == 'file': for fileinfo in plugin['fileareas'][0]['files']: moodle_file = MoodleFile.from_url( conn=self.conn, url=fileinfo['fileurl'], name=fileinfo['filename'], time_modified=fileinfo['timemodified'], mime_type=fileinfo['mimetype']) files.append(moodle_file) elif plugin['type'] == 'onlinetext': textfield = plugin['editorfields'][0]['text'] self.files = files self.textfield = textfield
def is_empty(self): return len(self.files) == 0 and not self.textfield def is_graded(self): return self.gradingstatus == GRADED or self.load_grade() not in [None, "-"] def is_group_submission(self): return self.userid == 0 and self.groupid != 0 def get_group_members(self): assert(self.is_group_submission()) return self.assignment.course.get_group_members(self.groupid)
[docs] def load_feedback(self): """ Retreives the current feedback for this submission from the Moodle server. """ params = {'assignid': self.assignment.id_, 'userid': self.userid} response = MoodleRequest( self.conn, 'mod_assign_get_submission_status').post(params=params).json() try: plugins = response['feedback']['plugins'] for plugin in plugins: if plugin['type'] == 'comments': return plugin['editorfields'][0]['text'] except Exception: pass return None
[docs] def save_feedback(self, feedback): """ Saves new feedback information on the Moodle server. See also """ logger.debug("Saving feedback information only.") self.save_grade(grade=-99999, feedback=feedback) return ""
[docs] def load_grade(self): """ Loads the grade currently set for this assignment. """ for grade in self.assignment.course.get_user_grades(self.userid): if grade.item_name == logger.debug("Existing grade: {}".format(grade.gradeformatted)) return grade.gradeformatted return None
[docs] def save_grade(self, grade, feedback=None): """ Saves new grading information for this student on the Moodle server, and sets the workflow state to "graded". """ # You can only give text feedback if your assignment is configured accordingly if feedback is not None and not self.assignment.allows_feedback_comment: logger.error("Could not save feedback, assignment does not allow feedback comments. Please check your assignment settings in Moodle.") return if self.is_group_submission(): userid = self.get_group_members()[0].id_ else: userid = self.userid data = {'assignmentid': self.assignment.id_, 'userid': userid, 'workflowstate': GRADED, 'attemptnumber': -1, 'addattempt': int(True), 'grade': float(grade) if grade else '', # always apply grading to team # if the assignment has no group submission, this has no effect. 'applytoall': int(True), 'plugindata[assignfeedbackcomments_editor][text]': str(feedback) if feedback else "", # //content format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN) 'plugindata[assignfeedbackcomments_editor][format]': 1 } response = MoodleRequest( self.conn, 'mod_assign_save_grade').post(data=data).json() logger.debug("Response from grading update: {0}".format(response))