Source code for moodleteacher.validation

Implementation of validation jobs.

import os.path
import os
import sys
import importlib
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
import logging

from .exceptions import *
from .compiler import GCC, compiler_cmdline
from .runnable import RunningProgram

logger = logging.getLogger('moodleteacher')


[docs]class Job(): """ A validation job checks a single student submission, based on a validator script written by the tutor. Check the validation section in the moodleteacher documentation for more details. """ result_sent = False working_dir = None # The temporary working directory with all the content get_files_called = False prepared_student_files = False
[docs] def __init__(self, submission, validator_file, preamble): """ Prepares a validation job by putting all relevant files into a temporary directory. Attributes: submission (MoodleSubmission): The student submission object. validator_file (MoodleFile): The validator file object. preamble (str): The preamble text for each feedback message targeting students. """ self.submission = submission self.validator_file = validator_file self.preamble = preamble
def __str__(self): return str(vars(self)) @property # The file name of the validation / full test script # on disk, after unpacking / renaming. def validator_script_name(self): return self.working_dir + VALIDATOR_IMPORT_NAME + '.py'
[docs] def start(self, log_level=logging.INFO): """ Execute the validate() method in the validator script belonging to this job. """ logger.setLevel(log_level) # Create temporary directory for validation self.working_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='moodleteacher_') if not self.working_dir.endswith(os.sep): self.working_dir += os.sep logger.debug("Created fresh working directory at {0}.".format(self.working_dir)) # Store validator file in temporary directory if self.validator_file.is_archive: # We assume that a validator file with the correct name # exists inside the archive logger.debug("Validator is an archive, assuming {0}.py to be inside.".format(VALIDATOR_IMPORT_NAME)) self.validator_file.unpack_to(self.working_dir, remove_directories=False) else: # The file is the validator, so we can rename it to match logger.debug("Moving validator content to {0}.".format(self.validator_script_name)) self.validator_file.save_as(self.working_dir, VALIDATOR_IMPORT_NAME + '.py') # Load validator to be called if not os.path.exists(self.validator_script_name): logger.error("Missing validator file at {0}.".format(self.validator_script_name)) return old_path = sys.path sys.path = [self.working_dir] + old_path try: logger.debug("Loading validator.") module = importlib.import_module(VALIDATOR_IMPORT_NAME) except Exception as e: logger.error("Exception while loading the validator: " + str(e)) return # Demanded by looped validator loading in the test suite importlib.reload(module) # make the call try: module.validate(self) except Exception as e: # get more info text_student = None if type(e) is TerminationException: text_student = "The execution of '{0}' terminated unexpectely.".format( text_student += "\n\nOutput so far:\n" + e.output elif type(e) is TimeoutException: text_student = "The execution of '{0}' was cancelled, since it took too long.".format( text_student += "\n\nOutput so far:\n" + e.output elif type(e) is NoFilesException: text_student = "Your submission contains no files." elif type(e) is NestedException: text_student = "Unexpected problem during the execution of '{0}'. {1}".format(, str(e.real_exception)) text_student += "\n\nOutput so far:\n" + e.output logger.exception("Exception triggered by a function call inside the validator:") elif type(e) is WrongExitStatusException: text_student = "The execution of '{0}' resulted in the unexpected exit status {1}.".format(, text_student += "\n\nOutput so far:\n" + e.output elif type(e) is JobException: # Some problem with our own code text_student = e.info_student elif type(e) is FileNotFoundError: text_student = "A file is missing: {0}".format( str(e)) elif type(e) is AssertionError: # This is a library bug, crash for stack trace raise(e) else: # Something really unexpected, crash for stack trace raise(e) # We got the text. Report the problem."A problem occured, message sent to the student: '{0}'".format(text_student)) self._send_result(text_student) # roll back sys.path = old_path # keep temporary directory for debugging return # no unhandled exception during the execution of the validator if not self.result_sent: logger.debug( "Validation script forgot result sending, assuming success.") self.send_pass_result() # roll back sys.path = old_path # Test script was executed, result was somehow sent # Clean the file system, since we can't do anything else shutil.rmtree(self.working_dir, ignore_errors=True)
def _send_result(self, info_student): # TODO: Send as Moodle comment'Sending result to Moodle ...') self.submission.save_feedback(self.preamble + info_student) self.result_sent = True
[docs] def prepare_student_files(self, remove_directories=True, recode=False): """Unarchive student files in temporary directory. Args: remove_directories (boolean): When the student submission is an archive, remove all contained directories and unpack flat. This makes sense for all but Java code. When the student submission is not an archive, this flag has no effect. recode (boolean): Recode the submission files to UTF-8 text, to avoid compiler problems. When the student submission is an archive, this flag has no effect. """ if not self.submission.files: logger.warn("prepare_student_files() not successful, submission has no files.") raise NoFilesException() assert(self.working_dir) try: for f in self.submission.files: f.unpack_to(self.working_dir, remove_directories, recode) except Exception as e: logger.error("Error while unpacking student files: {}".format(e)) raise NoFilesException() self.prepared_student_files = True
[docs] def send_fail_result(self, info_student, info_tutor="Test failed."): """Reports a negative result for this validation job. Args: info_student (str): Information for the student(s) info_tutor (str): Information for the tutor(s) """"Fail result sent for the tutor: '{0}'".format(info_tutor))"Fail result sent for the student: '{0}'".format(info_student)) self._send_result(info_student)
[docs] def send_pass_result(self, info_student="All tests passed. Awesome!", info_tutor="All tests passed."): """Reports a positive result for this validation job. Args: info_student (str): Information for the student(s) info_tutor (str): Information for the tutor(s) """"Pass result sent for the tutor: '{0}'".format(info_tutor))"Pass result sent for the student: '{0}'".format(info_student)) self._send_result(info_student)
[docs] def run_configure(self, mandatory=True, timeout=30): """Runs the 'configure' program in the working directory. Args: mandatory (bool): Throw exception if 'configure' fails or a 'configure' file is missing. """ if not self.prepared_student_files: raise ValidatorBrokenException("prepare_student_files() was not called before.") if not os.path.exists(self.working_dir + os.sep + 'configure'): if mandatory: raise FileNotFoundError( "Could not find a configure script for execution.") else: return try: prog = RunningProgram('configure', [], self.working_dir, timeout) prog.expect_exitstatus(0) except Exception: if mandatory: raise
[docs] def run_make(self, mandatory=True, timeout=30): """Runs the 'make' program in the working directory. Args: mandatory (bool): Throw exception if 'make' fails or a 'Makefile' file is missing. """ if not self.prepared_student_files: raise ValidatorBrokenException("prepare_student_files() was not called before.") if not os.path.exists(self.working_dir + os.sep + 'Makefile'): if mandatory: raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find a Makefile.") else: return try: prog = RunningProgram('make', [], self.working_dir, timeout) prog.expect_exitstatus(0) except Exception: if mandatory: raise
[docs] def run_compiler(self, compiler=GCC, inputs=None, output=None, timeout=30): """Runs a compiler in the working directory. Args: compiler (tuple): The compiler program and its command-line arguments, including placeholders for output and input files. inputs (tuple): The list of input files for the compiler. output (str): The name of the output file. """ if not self.prepared_student_files: raise ValidatorBrokenException("prepare_student_files() was not called before.") # Let exceptions travel through compiler_cmd, compiler_args = compiler_cmdline(compiler=compiler, inputs=inputs, output=output) prog = RunningProgram(compiler_cmd, compiler_args, self.working_dir, timeout) prog.expect_exitstatus(0)
[docs] def run_build(self, compiler=GCC, inputs=None, output=None, timeout=30): """Combined call of 'configure', 'make' and the compiler. The success of 'configure' and 'make' is optional. The arguments are the same as for run_compiler. """ if not self.prepared_student_files: raise ValidatorBrokenException("prepare_student_files() was not called before.")"Running build steps ...") self.run_configure(mandatory=False, timeout=timeout) self.run_make(mandatory=False, timeout=timeout) self.run_compiler(compiler, inputs, output, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def spawn_program(self, name, arguments=[], timeout=30, encoding=None): """Spawns a program in the working directory. This method allows the interaction with the running program, based on the returned RunningProgram object. Args: name (str): The name of the program to be executed. arguments (tuple): Command-line arguments for the program. timeout (int): The timeout for execution. encoding (str): The text encoding for the program output, e.g. 'utf-8'. If this parameter is not set, then the output is interpreted as bytes. Returns: RunningProgram: An object representing the running program. """ if not self.prepared_student_files: raise ValidatorBrokenException("prepare_student_files() was not called before.") logger.debug("Spawning program for interaction ...") return RunningProgram(name, arguments, self.working_dir, timeout, encoding)
[docs] def run_program(self, name, arguments=[], timeout=30, encoding=None): """Runs a program in the working directory to completion. Args: name (str): The name of the program to be executed. arguments (tuple): Command-line arguments for the program. timeout (int): The timeout for execution. encoding (str): The text encoding for the program output, e.g. 'utf-8'. If this parameter is not set, then the output is interpreted as bytes. Returns: tuple: A tuple of the exit code, as reported by the operating system, and the output produced during the execution. """ if not self.prepared_student_files: raise ValidatorBrokenException("prepare_student_files() was not called before.") logger.debug("Running program ...") prog = RunningProgram(name, arguments, self.working_dir, timeout, encoding) return prog.expect_end()
[docs] def grep(self, regex): """Scans the student files for text patterns. Args: regex (str): Regular expression used for scanning inside the files. Returns: tuple: Names of the matching files in the working directory. """ if not self.prepared_student_files: raise ValidatorBrokenException("prepare_student_files() was not called before.") matches = [] logger.debug("Searching student files for '{0}'".format(regex)) for student_file in self.submission.files: fspath = self.working_dir + if os.path.isfile(fspath): for line in open(fspath, 'br'): if, line): logger.debug("{0} contains '{1}'".format(fspath, regex)) matches.append(student_file.relative_path + return matches
[docs] def ensure_files(self, filenames): """Checks the student submission for specific files. Args: filenames (tuple): The list of file names to be checked for. Returns: bool: Indicator if all files are found in the student archive. """ if not self.prepared_student_files: raise ValidatorBrokenException("prepare_student_files() was not called before.") logger.debug("Testing {0} for the following files: {1}".format( self.working_dir, filenames)) dircontent = os.listdir(self.working_dir) for fname in filenames: if fname not in dircontent: return False return True